Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Even Celebrities Like Jennifer Lawrence Aren't Immune From Bad Breath!


Exchanging passionate kisses with big-screen star Jennifer Lawrence might sound like a dream come true. But according to Liam Hemsworth, her Hunger Games co-star, it could also be a nightmare… because J.Law’s breath wasn’t always fresh. “Anytime I had to kiss Jennifer was pretty uncomfortable,” Hemsworth said on The Tonight Show.

Lawrence said the problem resulted from her inadvertently consuming tuna or garlic before the lip-locking scenes; fortunately, the two stars were able to share a laugh about it later. But for many people, bad breath is no joke. It can lead to embarrassment and social difficulties — and it occasionally signifies a more serious problem. So what causes bad breath, and what can you do about it?

In 9 out of 10 cases, bad breath originates in the mouth. (In rare situations, it results from a medical issue in another part of the body, such as liver disease or a lung infection.) The foul odors associated with bad breath can be temporarily masked with mouthwash or breath mints — but in order to really control it, we need to find out exactly what’s causing the problem, and address its source.

As Lawrence and Hemsworth found out, some foods and beverages can indeed cause a malodorous mouth. Onions, garlic, alcohol and coffee are deservedly blamed for this. Tobacco products are also big contributors to bad breath — which is one more reason to quit. But fasting isn’t the answer either: stop eating for long enough and another set of foul-smelling substances will be released. Your best bet is to stay well hydrated and snack on crisp, fresh foods like celery, apples or parsley.

And speaking of hydration (or the lack of it): Mouth dryness and reduced salivary flow during the nighttime hours is what causes “morning breath.” Certain health issues and some medications can also cause “dry mouth,” or xerostomia. Drinking plenty of water can encourage the production of healthy saliva — but if that’s not enough, tell us about it: We may recommend switching medications (if possible), chewing xylitol gum or using a saliva substitute.

Finally, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is a great way to avoid bad breath. The goal of oral hygiene is to control the harmful bacteria that live in your mouth. These microorganisms can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath — so keeping them in check is good for your overall oral health. Remember to brush twice and floss once daily, stay away from sugary foods and beverages, and visit the dental office regularly for checkups and professional cleanings.

So did J.Law apologize for the malodorous makeout session? Not exactly. “[For] Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, yeah, I’ll brush my teeth,” she laughed.

Hemsworth jokingly agreed: “If I was kissing Christian Bale I probably would have brushed my teeth too. With you, it’s like, ‘Eh. Whatever.’”

If you would like more information about bad breath and oral hygiene, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can learn more by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Bad Breath: More than Just Embarrassing.”

from civinsmiles.com Blog http://ift.tt/2gUGqlX

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dr. Civin Now Uses Velscope for Oral Cancer Detection

Our patients come first.

And that has never been truer than it is right now.

Dr. Civin cares about your health – so much so that we have obtained a state of the art VELscope in order to detect oral cancer.

You might be wondering: just what is a VELscope, and how does it work?

For the past few years, you have undoubtedly noticed the doctor checking you for oral cancer. It’s always a quick procedure. You open wide, he looks inside, and he might ask you to turn your head, open wider, or even stick out your tongue. But now there’s a better way.

VELscope at Mark CIvin DDSThe VELscope is a non-invasive oral cancer screening device. It looks a lot like a standard household flashlight, even when sitting in its charging cradle. However, instead of emitting regular full-spectrum light, it emits a safe, visible blue light. This excites your oral tissue and causes it to fluoresce. Then the device filters out reflected light. This allows Dr. Civin to see tissue fluorescence. To him, it appears green. And that tells him that there could potentially be a problem.

The device makes it easy for the doctor to spot cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions. In particular, it helps him to see spots which might otherwise have been missed.

You’ll be given eye protection, and the doctor will ask you to open wide. And then just lie back as Dr. Civin has the device emit a beam into your opened mouth. He will look into the other end and into an eyepiece and he will determine if he sees anything of concern. And then, of course, you’ll be told if there are any findings, and you will be informed as to what your treatment options are. Often, surgical excision is the preferred treatment.

Both Dentistry Today, and even the World Health Organization, has given awards to the VELscope. It is a world-wide recognized innovative oral cancer detection system.

The VELscope does not, however, replace a comprehensive oral examination. Rather, it enhances and supplements such an examination.

And you may also be wondering: is all this early detection worth it? Does it really matter?

It most certainly does. When it is discovered early, the five-year survival rate for oral cancers is just about 83%! However, when discovery is delayed, the five-year survival rate for oral cancers drops to one-half, and maybe even less than that.

Oral cancers can occur in anyone, but known risk factors are not just smoking or using chewing tobacco. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV16) is now considered to be a risk factor. And so are a compromised immune system and frequent or excessive alcohol use. Furthermore, as always, a history of cancer is a risk factor unto itself. At no time in history, until now, has there been such a call for early oral cancer screenings.

So book an appointment at Mark L. Civin DDS and get your cancer screening soon.  Because the life you save may very well turn out to be a loved one’s. Or even your own.

Mak L. Civin DDS


from civinsmiles.com Blog http://ift.tt/2g76j60

Saturday, December 3, 2016

What happens in a dental exam?

It might be a long time since you’ve been to see a dentist for a dental exam. You don’t know what to expect and you feel uncomfortable about having someone poke around your mouth. So, what happens in this procedure?

Let’s take a short look.

·         You’ll need to provide some medical and personal information. Arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment to get the paperwork done.
·         Meeting your dentist – This is the person who’s going to be exploring the inside of your mouth, so get comfortable with them. Tell them anything on your mind, ask them questions, build a rapport with them to make yourself comfortable.

·         The dental exam starts with the dentist taking a look into your mouth. The dentist will use a small mirror and light to check front and back.

·         Your teeth and gums will be checked. If you haven’t had a Dental Eexam in a few years, this may be uncomfortable. Especially if you have a gum disease or problem tooth!

·         The dentist will check each tooth individually. This is called dental charting. One tooth will be looked at, then notes taken. Moving from one side to the other, from the bottom to top (Or top to bottom!), your teeth will be researched and analysed.

·         One of the uncomfortable parts of the dental exam is having your teeth poked with the dental probe. It can be hard to sit through, and if you don’t brush and floss your teeth you may end up with bleeding gums. You can request the dentist don’t do this, but it’s recommended you get some courage and sit through it. If the dentist misses anything, if can cause you more pain in the future.

·         You may need an x-ray for the dentist to see if there are any other problems. Some dentists have their own x-ray machines; others will require you to go somewhere else.

·         It’s likely that you’ll have your teeth cleaned. Not with a toothbrush, though. This can get really uncomfortable if you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time.

Further Treatment

After visiting the dentist, you might find you need to come back for a procedure in the future. You may have recommendations made to help you brush your teeth better. Perhaps you miss a section of your gums. The dentist will be able to tell your dental hygiene habits more than you’d know yourself.

Dr.Mark L.Civin. DDS provide Cosmetic Dentistry Palm Beach Gardens
If you would like more information on orthodontic treatment for adults, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Undergoing Adult Orthodontics


Think you're too old to have your teeth straightened? While we automatically pair “teenager” with “braces,” at least one in five orthodontic patients are adults. And there's many more that could benefit, as many as three-quarters of adults with a correctable bite problem.

But although orthodontics can be performed at any age, it's not a minor undertaking. It will require time, patience and expense. So, before you decide to undergo orthodontics, here are 3 simple questions to ask first.

Why? Like children and teenagers, adults can benefit cosmetically from correcting a poor bite. But there's another great reason besides a more attractive smile: misaligned teeth are more difficult to care for than normal teeth. Orthodontic treatment is an investment and potential cost-saver in your future dental health.

Why not? Even senior adults can successfully undergo treatment. But braces might be ill-advised if you have either poor oral or general health. Periodontal (gum) disease, for example, can cause bone loss, which makes it difficult to safely and successfully move teeth (and the effort could worsen current disease activity in the gums). Medical conditions like bleeding disorders, leukemia or uncontrollable diabetes could interfere as well. You'll need both a dental and medical examination beforehand.

How? We can use braces — or we might be able to use a newer, more popular option with adults called clear aligners. These are a series of computer-designed clear, plastic trays you wear in sequence until you finish the series. Each tray is slightly smaller than the previous tray, moving the teeth in much the same manner as braces. But unlike braces, you can remove aligners for cleaning or a rare special occasion — and they're much less noticeable than metal braces. Although in some cases braces may still be the best option, it's also possible clear aligners could be the option you've been looking for.

So, are you ready for a new smile and a more maintainable mouth? Visit us for the answers to your questions and see if braces (or clear aligners) can transform your life and health.

If you would like more information on orthodontic treatment for adults, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Orthodontics for the Older Adult.”

from civinsmiles.com Blog http://ift.tt/2fDyQL4

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Dr. Travis Stork: If Only I'd Worn A Mouthguard!


If we could go back in time, we all probably have a few things we wish we could change. Recently, Dr. Travis Stork, emergency room physician and host of the syndicated TV show The Doctors, shared one of his do-over dreams with Dear Doctor magazine: “If I [could have] gone back and told myself as a teenager what to do, I would have worn a mouthguard, not only to protect my teeth but also to help potentially reduce risk of concussion.”

What prompted this wish? The fact that as a teenage basketball player, Stork received an elbow to the mouth that caused his two front teeth to be knocked out of place. The teeth were put back in position, but they soon became darker and began to hurt. Eventually, both were successfully restored with dental crowns. Still, it was a painful (and costly) injury — and one that could have been avoided.

You might not realize it, but when it comes to dental injuries, basketball ranks among the riskier sports. Yet it’s far from the only one. In fact, according to the American Dental Association (ADA), there are some two dozen others — including baseball, hockey, surfing and bicycling — that carry a heightened risk of dental injury. Whenever you’re playing those sports, the ADA recommends you wear a high-quality mouth guard.

Mouthguards have come a long way since they were introduced as protective equipment for boxers in the early 1900’s. Today, three different types are widely available: stock “off-the-shelf” types that come in just a few sizes; mouth-formed “boil-and-bite” types that you adapt to the general contours of your mouth; and custom-made high-quality mouthguards that are made just for you at the dental office.

Of all three types, the dentist-made mouthguards are consistently found to be the most comfortable and best-fitting, and the ones that offer your teeth the greatest protection. What’s more, recent studies suggest that custom-fabricated mouthguards can provide an additional defense against concussion — in fact, they are twice as effective as the other types. That’s why you’ll see more and more professional athletes (and plenty of amateurs as well) sporting custom-made mouthguards at games and practices.

“I would have saved myself a lot of dental heartache if I had worn a mouthguard,” noted Dr. Stork. So take his advice: Wear a mouthguard whenever you play sports — unless you’d like to meet him (or one of his medical colleagues) in a professional capacity…

If you would like more information about mouthguards, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can read more in the Dear Doctor magazine article “Athletic Mouthguards.”

from civinsmiles.com Blog http://ift.tt/2g9WyAs

Monday, November 14, 2016

How is Your Dental Health?

Mark L. Civin, D.D.S. Serves Palm Beach Gardens and the Surrounding Area

Are your teeth straight and white, and free of chips? Or are they yellowing and uneven? Are your gums pink and healthy, or are they receding? Does your jaw click? And have you ever been screened for oral cancer?

How long has it been since you’ve been to the dentist, anyway?

If your answers to these questions are not as great as you’d like, then it’s time to see Dr. Mark Civin. Dr. Civin’s Palm Beach Gardens dental office provides a complete array of dental services, including porcelain veneers, dental implants, facial rejuvenation, and cosmetic whitening.

Mark Civin DDS for dental care in Palm Beach Gardens

Your health is of the utmost importance to us. That is why we take the time to completely examine your jaw, teeth, gums, soft tissue, and bone. And we never forget the oral cancer screening. Because we will always give you and your teeth the care we would want and expect for our own families.

But we go beyond that, because we know that cosmetic dentistry can be vital for a person’s sense of self. Your dental health affects your mental health, too! Yellowy teeth can make you look and feel older, and missing or chipped teeth can make you not want to smile as much. All of this can directly affect how you see yourself. Plus pain from TMJ or unhealthy teeth can impact your overall quality of life.

So let us help you have the best smile you can, because it will make a huge difference in how you see yourself, and how others see you.

Our professionally trained staff in Palm Beach Gardens is courteous, kind, gentle, and caring. It is our mission to provide you with top quality dental care, to protect your health, and to make the entire experience as comfortable as possible. And we don’t just offer oral sedation, nitrous oxide analgesic, and even audio and video headsets. We also offer digital x-rays in order to minimize your exposure to radiation. And we also strive to keep our appointments short, so you spend a lot less time waiting.

We know you’re busy. And we are well aware that a trip to the dentist’s office is all too easy to put off. So we work hard to take care of you quickly yet professionally. After all, you are why we do this.

We’re looking forward to seeing you soon. Visit our home page for more info or contact us for an appointment

from civinsmiles.com Blog http://ift.tt/2fScwSp

Monday, November 7, 2016

Finding Top Cosmetic Dentists in Palm Beach Gardens FL

Choosing the best cosmetic dentist for you needs can be an uphill task. This is because when you are looking for the top cosmetic dentists, you have got numerous options. You don’t have to simply settle for a dentist just because they accept your insurance or are located near your home or office because at the esnd of the day, you may not be happy with the experience. Mark L. Civin DDS is the best choice for the area, and here is why.

When you are looking for the best cosmetic dentist, you need to look beyond decorative offices as well as the prestigious addresses. This is because what matters the most is the dentist who will be working on your priceless smile.

Here are things you need to consider when choosing a cosmetic dentist from among the many dentists in Palm Beach Gardens:

1. Experience

No doubt, experience is key part of the qualifications of a cosmetic dentist. So, your dentist should possess several years of experience and should have had numerous successful procedures.

2. A Bona Fide Member of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

The cosmetic dentist you choose should be a member of the The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. This can be compared in importance to picking a board-certified plastic surgeon versus a general surgeon to carry out a cosmetic procedure. As such, you need a dentist who is devoted to his or her field and continuously learning the developments in cosmetic dentistry procedures.

3. Range of Services

Some dentists in Palm Beach Gardens provide only a handful of services, for example the general veneers or dental implants. However, any truly talented dentist should actually be capable of successfully and competently performing any type of dental procedure ranging from implants plus veneers, to teeth whitening as well as whole mouth restorations.

4. Personal Consultation

Personal consultation is very important and when it comes to it, you need to feel both confident and comfortable with the dentist you pick and who will work on your dream smile. When it comes to smile improvement, a person’s own view of what looks great is a vital factor in attaining a satisfying outcome. In smile design, the art of creating smiles lies in the ability of the dentist to incorporate the individual’s own perception of what is of importance, with the dentist’s personal scientific and anatomical knowledge. Thus, it is the dentist’s responsibility to enlighten you so that you are in a better position to make your personal choices.

You need to have a personal consultation with a cosmetic surgeon so that you can discuss what you want and how they can enhance your specific smile. This is actually the best way that you can know if you have picked the ideal cosmetic dentist.

Choosing a dentist who can help you achieve your unique and valuable smile is extremely important. With numerous cosmetic dentists in Palm Beach Gardens, it is very important that you bear the above factors in mind.

Our dental office in Palm Beach Gardens offers all-inclusive, premium full-service cosmetic as well as restorative dental services for your whole family.

Call us to schedule an appointment with Mark Civin, D.D.S., P.A. today.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mark Civin DDS of Palm Beach Gardens Helps Treat Gum Disease

Mark Civin
Gum disease is preventable. Despite this, a large number of people have some level of gum disease. It may be noticeable, or the symptoms could be hidden. The first step to finding out if you have a problem with your gums is to know the signs of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Some signs of gum disease include:

·         If your gums bleed from brushing or flossing
·         Sore, tender gums that feel bruised
·         Bright red or purple swollen gums, or gums that are too shiny
·         Receding gums that reveal more of the tooth
·         Movement of teeth – New gaps between teeth, a change in how the teeth fit together or teeth becoming loose
·         Pussy deposits around the teeth and gums
·         Bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth or mouth sores could also be an indicator

Prevention First

Gingivitis and periodontitis are preventable. You’ve been told this your whole life, but you should brush your teeth twice a day. Plaque builds up on your teeth. This becomes tartar and hardens. From this, you end up with a possible issue with your gums.

Flossing at least once a day will clean in between your teeth. Besides preventing gum problems, flossing also helps to stop bad breath. Mouthwashes can be of added use as well.

It is recommended to see your dentist every six months. At the very least once a year. You want to be sure your teeth and gums are healthy. Healthy teeth improve enjoyment and quality of life.

Other Causes

Besides bad dental hygiene, what else causes gum disease?

·         Conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, HIV or nutrient deficiencies
·         Some medications and birth control pills
·         Unsuitable mouth appliances
·         Fillings that aren’t smooth or misaligned teeth


Your dentist may recommend one or a combination of the following treatments:

·         A non-surgical option like scaling or root planing
·         A course of antibiotics

Surgical treatments vary, depending on the condition of your gums:

·         A soft tissue graft involves tissue being moved from the roof of your mouth to the affected area
·         Flap surgery involves the cutting of the gum to clean at the root of the teeth.
·         A bone graft is where the tooth is held in place after the removal of the bone.
·         Enamel matrix derivative application and guided tissue regeneration are aimed at regrowing the bone and tissue. The enamel matrix derivative application is a gel that is applied to the affected area. Guided tissue regeneration uses a biocompatible fabric between the bone and tooth to promote bone growth.

A Special Mention About Periodontitis

If your gums get that bad, then you could have a type of periodontitis. The types include:

·         Chronic – The most likely type you’ll have
·         Aggressive –Hits hard, destroying bone and gum
·         Necrotizing – Literally the death of the gums, ligaments and bone. Usually found in people with systematic conditions
·         A symptom of other diseases. Heart disease, respiratory disease and diabetes can cause periodontitis.

Periodontitis is an advanced form of gingivitis. It’s very preventable with care. If it pops up, you could find yourself with high dental bills and a changed lifestyle. Look after your dental health and your teeth look after you.

Visit Mark L Civin, your Palm beach Gardens Dentist at Civinsmiles.com

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mark L. Civin, DDS

Mark L. Civin, DDS

5600 PGA Boulevard #102
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

(561) 624-2224 

Dr. Civin maintains a full time, private care, fee-for-service practice in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, focusing on restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

Tags: dentist, Palm Beach Gardens dentist, dental care, dentistry
