Saturday, December 3, 2016

What happens in a dental exam?

It might be a long time since you’ve been to see a dentist for a dental exam. You don’t know what to expect and you feel uncomfortable about having someone poke around your mouth. So, what happens in this procedure?

Let’s take a short look.

·         You’ll need to provide some medical and personal information. Arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment to get the paperwork done.
·         Meeting your dentist – This is the person who’s going to be exploring the inside of your mouth, so get comfortable with them. Tell them anything on your mind, ask them questions, build a rapport with them to make yourself comfortable.

·         The dental exam starts with the dentist taking a look into your mouth. The dentist will use a small mirror and light to check front and back.

·         Your teeth and gums will be checked. If you haven’t had a Dental Eexam in a few years, this may be uncomfortable. Especially if you have a gum disease or problem tooth!

·         The dentist will check each tooth individually. This is called dental charting. One tooth will be looked at, then notes taken. Moving from one side to the other, from the bottom to top (Or top to bottom!), your teeth will be researched and analysed.

·         One of the uncomfortable parts of the dental exam is having your teeth poked with the dental probe. It can be hard to sit through, and if you don’t brush and floss your teeth you may end up with bleeding gums. You can request the dentist don’t do this, but it’s recommended you get some courage and sit through it. If the dentist misses anything, if can cause you more pain in the future.

·         You may need an x-ray for the dentist to see if there are any other problems. Some dentists have their own x-ray machines; others will require you to go somewhere else.

·         It’s likely that you’ll have your teeth cleaned. Not with a toothbrush, though. This can get really uncomfortable if you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time.

Further Treatment

After visiting the dentist, you might find you need to come back for a procedure in the future. You may have recommendations made to help you brush your teeth better. Perhaps you miss a section of your gums. The dentist will be able to tell your dental hygiene habits more than you’d know yourself.

Dr.Mark L.Civin. DDS provide Cosmetic Dentistry Palm Beach Gardens
If you would like more information on orthodontic treatment for adults, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. 

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